Well here is my final entry for the NYC show, ART on Record: Volume II. Sadly I have run out of time and won't be able to submit a 5th entry, but I am pleased with what I have done in a short period of time. The entries will be on exhibit and for sale at APW Gallery in NYC through the month of May. If you happen to be there during that time check out the show and take pictures/video for me!
I am happy to report that this project forced me outside my comfort zone by introducing a new surface on which to paint. It was certainly a growth period for me, and I did enjoy the process very much. Who knows, maybe I'll paint more macros on records....
Oil on 12" vinyl record $300
Nice! I really like the flowers you did on the records. I think they'll display well too and love the round shapes.
So here's the funny part, it's "early" in the morning for me, and when I read your blog title, I thought it said "Poopy on Vinyl." I think that's another genre of art that you just aren't into.
Thanks! My sister who lives in Ct. just told me she and a friend will be taking the train from New Haven to NYC in Saturday to see the show :-) I am belly laughing at your morning observation!! Poop would be an interesting subject matter for an abstract series.....
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