Years ago I was in a pet bird phase, and had several of them. First there was Polly the parakeet, then One Guy the cockatiel, then the African Grey Parrot, and finally, Sonny the parakeet. They each provided hours of entertainment, so this painting is in memory of my departed fine feathered friends. 2009 10" x 10" Oil on artist's wood panel SOLD
I really like the colors in this one. Not a bird fan, but I definitely like the painting!
Thanks Jeni- I liked the colors and the texture of the feathers a lot. It was fun to paint!
I like what you've done with your blog site too. I'm just now checking it out. I usually read your blog posts from an RSS feed reader.
Hey thanks Jeni! I don't know if I shared this with you yet, but I recently became a member of NM Artists, and so now I also have a page on their site, and on their international site! They posted the Austin art show on their events calendar on both sites also!! http://www.nmartists.com/default.aspx
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