Friday, November 27, 2015


Cosmojo Oil on Canvas 30" X 40" $3300

Mojo came to us from the Jack Russel Rescue in 2005 at the age of 3 or 4, and even now in 2015 at her advanced age she loves to play ball and go for runs. She regularly runs 6.5 miles at an average speed of 10 miles per hour! She may have a small body but she has a big self image and a huge heart. 

When she plays ball she goes big, so in this tribute painting she is shown jumping so high to catch her favorite tennis ball that she is among the stars and her ball has become a comet. 

She is a special girl and we love her to the moon and back!


"Clinging" Oil on Canvas 24" X 24" $1800

Inspired by a sketch "Clinging" represents the dangers of clinging. Grasping onto the false idea that things are permanent, and cravings for sameness, ritual, and the comfort derived from such practices can lead to disappointment and discomfort. For those with disease or disability only letting go will save one from the suffering that will come with clinging. 

This image is a reminder of the beauty that comes from letting go of the grasp; that moment when one liberates oneself and begins to ascend from the depths of the stronghold created by the clinging. The bubbles are a sign that there is no longer clinging, but release, rising from the grasp and going toward the light of freedom. 

This piece incorporates the style called "Curvismo" developed by Ricardo Chavez Mendez, my mentor in art and all things metaphoric.

This original piece is available for purchase at CDA and 50% of proceeds will be donated to an ME/CFS charity.